Democracy Requires a Public Mueller Report

Here me out....I hate Trump.

But are we really all comfortable with what we are asking for?

Imagine If your boss was caught stealing a million bucks from another company, and you were suspected of helping him, and there was an investigation and then there was not enough evidence to prove you were involved. But during the course the investigation the prosecutor found all sorts of other embarrassing information about you that didn't rise to criminal behavior. Would you be happy to have the prosecutor release all that embarrassing information because they don't like you and want to damage your reputation?

This is what I am conflicted about. I want the report, and I want to embarrass Trump. But at the same time I respect that people who haven't risen to the level of criminal charges shouldn't have other dirty laundry aired about them just for the hell of it.

I am thinking right now I would rather see a select group of congressmen (judiciary committee?) get full access and allow them to fully review. If they feel that there is enough in there that Barr was lying, or if they feel that there is enough that might not have risen to the level of criminal charges but is definitely an impeachable offence, then all good. But if it is just politically damaging for Trump I am not sure that is fair, and just sharing the entire report with everyone is also problematic.

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