Democrats look to force Donald Trump to release tax returns

Yes, I am very jealous of your ability to get down voted so hard you delete your posts.

But your insistence on sharing your comedic judgment of my post started before the down votes? You acted like it was so important to let me know that you, personally, didn't find me funny. Why is that important? I'm not following you here.

I get it though, you really really don't care that other people don't find you funny.

I don't care as in I don't find the comment valuable. You haven't backed it up or proven it in any convincing way (my joke matched the basic form of Colbert's most insipid and toothless jokes). What I found annoying was the degree to which you kept insisting on your opinion, even going out of your way to compliment other posters in what struck me as a phoney manner just to put me down even more.

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