Democrats Kill Rand Paul's Audit the Fed Bill, Though Sanders Votes Yes

I love how this easily irritable professor that is also terrified if I come near her to pick her brain... plays expert with only one main source. The terrified part did not occur to me until during class when I was trying a new technique on a 4th degree differential. Getting prepped mentally for a 4-5 variable calculus calculation so I can throw it in Clary's face while screaming I can do it.

So I gave her a good 50 feet of safety space and a clear path to the door. At least the aussie professor talked to me briefly after class.

The prob and stats professor I thought I ruffled his feathers in an e-mail. I was trying to help him out when I glanced around the room and saw >80% of the class with a glazed look in their eyes. At least I know he's not ticked now.

And yes telling accounting students they'll have a job in 5-10 years is irresponsible.

A professor gets mad from a normal human response from perfect symmetry. Women do realize men aren't fixed right? Randomly turn suddenly toward any guy in the room and watch the response.

I went to the arthopology department today to find my old world history professor. To share my findings on the summerian sexagesimal numbering system and Genesis. I've actually been able to change the ages with a base change to decimal that make sense.

Seriously fuck higher education. My dad was right >50% of professors are indoctrinated people with a really narrow view. He's a smart, smart man.

Math Department: I found vertical asymptotic behavior has slopes. Yes complex infinity has slopes. Pretty neat that they blow up at different speeds.

The speed limit of time is variable based on different gravitational pulls; which are different in ever unique position in 3dimensional space. Speed increases cause a centrifugal effect on gravity causing.... anything going fast enough wants to lift up... funny that.

Figured out there is much much higher math then 3 dimensions time is only one of them.

Designed a small dyson sphere. Developed augmented reality from an opensim; that a NASA team uses got paid peanuts. I also developed the hitrusdec reactor.

Found parsity in fractions.

Found tidal effects from blackholes are a natural process that effects ice ages and warming periods. During high tidal phases the soft mantle rises and release compressed CO2.

Found the mechanisms of bipolar and the role of lithium in the body.

Found many many research articles pointing to the role bacteria have in tumor growth.

etc... etc... etc.... etc...

Fuck it! I will find the right moment and slip away from society. I know how to evade camera systems, disguises, voice changes, and have intimate knowledge in AMIO operations.

I can work my way across a southern border or northern border. Yeah, there is back country. Or work my way among the homeless till society looses track.

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