Depression kicking my ass. I’m bipolar and can’t shake this depressive episode no matter how hard I try. Can I get some words of encouragement please?

I know firsthand that Bipolar is a roller coaster. The highs are otherworldly and freeing, while the lows are suffocatingly tight gripped. I’m sorry that yours is taking it’s time right now. I can imagine that you’re feeling, rightfully, frustrated. But you’ve been in this sticky muck of a depressive episode before and you’ve managed to kick its ass each time! This opponent in particular just needs a few extra hits to exhaust itself.

Keep reminding yourself that this will pass, because it will. Keep radiating that cheerful smile of yours to other people you will encounter because they will usually send you one right back. Hell, even keep wearing those bright, beautiful glasses because they’re a reminder of how colourful the world can be when the murky cloud tries to make you think otherwise!

I like to think of my extended lows as a visitor who stays too long but will eventually realise that it is no longer welcome. Yours is just finishing its second cup of tea right now, but it’ll piss off soon. Stay safe and keep doing what it is that makes you feel as best as you can. ❤️

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