Describe your current crush!

Short-haired dark brunette with pale skin and a self described "serious case of resting bitch face" that I find entrancing. Tall, multiple ear piercings, nose ring, tattoos on her ankle, shoulder, and bicep.

She dresses, as some friends say, like a librarian but I think it's cute old fashion. She wears a lot of dresses. She's what I picture when I think "lipstick lesbian". She's loves swing dancing and Corgis. Crippling afraid of spiders. She's quiet and generally rather reserved, almost seeming stuck up and snooty, but that's not genuinely her. She's a dork on the inside like the best of us, just with barriers she's put up over time.

She's religious, Christian, but decidedly relaxed about it and doesn't follow any strict adherence. Very liberal and an intersectional feminist. Going to school for psychology.

She's also straight, although she sets off the gaydar of me and multiple other friends. Nothing screams gay but it's this nagging feeling I get around her. Other straight crushes I didn't feel this. She seems like there's something inside her that's trying to reach the surface, she surrounds herself with LGBT friends, and though she's dated guys in the past she's apparently never felt a spark with one. I can only take her at her word as straight, but I've always had my suspicion. And due to things that​ happened years ago I know there's no chance we would ever be together even if she was gay. But she's my friend before she's my crush, so I know eventually my crush will fade and I'll still have my friend. I'd just rather it stop coming back.

/r/actuallesbians Thread