Destiny 2 wins "Buyers remorse" award at The /r/XboxOne Game Of The Year Awards 2017.

I love Destiny 2 and maybe that's because to me Destiny has always been a PVP game with some fun PVE stuff to do whenever the Crucible gets stale. I actually find the progression of Destiny 2 to be much more manageable than what was presented in Destiny 1. Be that because I just grasp the concepts better or that they are more streamlined I can't say for certain.

I legitimately do not see what the issues are with Destiny 2 outside of lack of progression content but that always seems like an issue with any game that has a fan base that wants to marathon content as quickly as possible. The only complaints I ever really see lobbied are against Eververse and I simply do not get it. It's cosmetics... Love them and pay for novelty items to show off your sense of style or fashion or whatever. Or, do what I do, ignore them. Maybe I don't have the "fashion souls" bug enough to the point where being locked out of some costumes or limited use shaders would bother me. Shruggles.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread