Diamond named 'Great Star of Africa' mined in South Africa in 1905 is worth around $400 million.

Little known fact for those that aren't British - they're actually the world's most expensive tea set. The orb used to be filled with loose tea leaves, acting as a diffuser (fitting one sports direct mug or a large tea pot perfectly), but tea bags are included now as a modern alternative. The sceptre obviously stirs, but also unscrews at the bottom and contains approximately 30 sugar lumps - the top unscrews to provide a couple of wee drams of whiskey should it be necessary. The crown doubles as a very practical, removable, washable purple tea sieve - although with the addition of tea bags, it's rarely used nowadays. God only knows of their practical uses before tea.

/r/Damnthatsinteresting Thread Link - i.redd.it