Did anyone else always get called mature when they were young, and then develop anxiety or add or depression or ocd?

Yes, but I've been depressed and had PTSD for a huge chunk of my life. Adults would somtimes refer to me as a mature child, but in reality I was just really depressed to the point where it kept me frozen or made it difficult to respond to things. Children and young adults would notice, and they would abuse or beat me because they knew I couldn't respond. At the time I didn't realize they had really serious and unaddressed mental health issues but were socially pleasing enough that people ignored them. So I guess I was actually mature, because when I felt shitty I didn't hunt weak targets to distract myself from my negative emotions. In young adulthood a few people actually bragged to me about how they absused me because I wouldn't do anything. They just didn't realize I always thought people had the capacity to be better then that and could never comprehend why someone would want to choose to behave like them. Also, I knew that if I paid those people back in kind with words they would shatter into a million pieces.

/r/mentalhealth Thread