Why did you have to cut your best friend off?

There was and wasn't a lightbulb moment.

We both liked to smoke some weed, and my mate was taking a brief holiday a few hours from home and had already smoked his stash. He asked me if I'd pick up for him, and I could join the getaway for an evening and he would pay for the petrol and stash. Fair enough, why not.

Being considerate and trying to quit myself, I bought a little for myself as well and went off. Smoked and slept but got up early the next day to get back to work.

Thought as gratitude for having me, id leave the few spliffs worth of my stash for him, and wrote a note saying thank you and here's a little extra for you, as I am packing it in. When I went to put the stash with the note, there was nothing there and he'd already taken it while I slept.

It made me realise he didn't trust me at all (as he'd presumed I had taken part of his before arriving) and suddenly all the other things came into focus - it was always me who made the effort, everything was on his terms, the put downs, the control, the mistrust, the resentment that I had got several other jobs while he had never changed his, small acts of theft and of all sorts of other long term issues that I'd turned a blind eye to - and I told him so in a long message.

He only replied to deny he'd taken it and to say 'K'. No mention of everything else.

It's very difficult to be pushed that far and blindly think "because someone's been a friend so long I forgive this and it's okay" but its when you realise the person isn't the sane person anymore.

A few years later we're at peace but as far friendship goes, that's about it.

/r/AskReddit Thread