Did you end friendships because of too much bingo-ing?

Yes. There was a friend, possibly the only person outside of family, that my wife has known longer than me. They were almost an item during some convention donkeys-years ago, but he bailed out because (hah!) he was too worried about knocking her up, even though she was on the pill. They / we remained close friends; we're a bunch of filthy pervs, as is the guy's own now-wife. We'd moved but still chatted, shared photos and the like -cough- Which brings us to....

The genius now has two kids of his own. Now after the first one we were struggling to keep chatting because of precious this and baby that, but it wasn't all shitsticks. No, not until the second one. Then the bingos started!

Now the weirdest fucking part is, he was only doing it to me. Not the wife, me. He couldn't put finger to keyboard without telling me something about his kids or how I should have kids. No more gaming nerdery, no more interesting stories about all the swinging, just blurfhurf little snotty did X today.

At this point it's worth mentioning our financial situation was quite dire, and I was entirely to blame. I got shitcanned from temping a position I'd been albut promised, right after an metric craptonne of vehicle repairs, and then to top that money we didn't have off, I ended up in the ER and very sick for a long time. Hello huge bill getting huger.

So when I told brains-trust again that even if we wanted kids, there was no way in hell we could afford it, he laughingly tells me they're still paying off the $10k from the first birth, let alone the second one, and that I "should just go for it, you'll figure it out!" I entirely lost my temper.

I told him how I was already responsible for more stress to my wife's finances than I could bear, how it was regularly making me consider taking a nap on the train-tracks, and sure I'd just fucking LOVE to make it all even worse on purpose, and to never, ever bring up that shit, ever again.

To his credit, he did stop with the bingos. I intentionally set out to shame him and it worked. He even apologised. Unfortunately, by this point he was the dad version of a mombie, and had nothing else to talk about, so.... poof. He hasn't spoken to either of us for about 8 months. His Fb feed is nothing but pictures of his kids and the bomb-site that is his house. My wife said to me "no wonder they're behind on bills, that floor is carpeted with toys, just how many do those snowflakes have?!"

/r/childfree Thread