Why did you stop being friends with THAT friend?

I don't even know if I'm actually friends with this guy anymore. Known him for years but he makes literally no effort to maintain the friendship. I got sick of always having to be the one asking if he wants to do something a while ago, and decided I would just wait until he finally decided to make contact. I didn't hear from him for the better part of a year. Recently I found out I wasn't the only friend who has done something like that with him, and they had gotten the same results. He will make plans for a certain time, won't be there when he said and then respond to messages like an hour after you've been waiting just to get something like, hey met up with someone can't, or just had to do something etc etc etc. There's always an excuse of some sort. Having no respect for other people's time pisses me off. When he makes bad decisions, he vents to people about it, gets good advice then proceeds to disregard all of it and double down on the original bad choice.

His girlfriend is one of the most cancerous people I've met in my life. She has the personality and looks of a rancid puddle of grease. She has a kid, but is doing nothing with her life which is going to screw her child up incredibly. She doesn't work. She doesn't go to school. For fuck sakes she's like 24 and doesn't have her learners license. She pawns her kid off with God knows who so she can just sit in his room all day getting high. Sometimes she brings him, and just gets ripped with her kid there. I have literally zero respect for her as a human being and the fact that he stands up for her and this behavior, fuck, the fact that he even tolerates this behavior makes me seriously question what's wrong with him. She's the only person he will make any effort to please whatsoever.

It's a real shame too. He used to be one of my best friends and he really is (was? There'd have to be some kind of communication to see if that's still true) a really nice, smart guy. When he actually puts his mind to something he tends to do very well. The friendship has currently been reduced to the occasional online game

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