diesel powered

You similar situation happened to me. Except, I was in a new miata (2018) Turned out I absolutely loved the damn thing!

I was on my way home after picking up the car, I headed home. I had the top down, stay in the slower lane in the tunnel since my exit was right after the tunnel. I then noticed a white diesel dodge was in the fast lane and heard him dropping a gear as we were getting closer At that point, I knew right away what his intentions were.

Sure enough, dude floors the truck and tried his best to smoke me out and I immediately flipped the f--- out. He takes off once out of the tunnel and I am trying my best to catch him. This point, we're probably up to 90+ and he starts slowing down as he was approaching a car in front of him. He had to slow down and I cut in front of him and slam on my brakes in front of him.

I told him to pull over and asked what his deal was for trying to smoke me out. His reply was "it was only a joke" and I yelled back if you wanted to make a point, stop your truck and let's see whats so funny while he kept trying to get by. I kept blocking him for about a mile while he was acting like he was talking to someone on his phone and took the closet exit.

/r/IdiotsInCars Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it