The Difference between Flirting and being a Creep is if you are Attractive.

Listen forget about flirting, you don’t need to know how to flirt- the end goal is to get into a relationship or to have sex. For that you just need the following:

  1. ⁠Be interesting, have hobbies, do something with your life. Don’t just sit and watch anime and play video games hoping a girl will walk into your life. Sorry of this offends gamers and anime cosplay kids but it’s true. 2.Be interested, have genuine questions and listen to the person. Treat the girl like a guy friend. The goal should be to have fun, have a good time and enjoy each others company.
  2. ⁠Be honest, if you’re interested in her and she’s interested in you, then you can just ask them to come back to your place for the night. It’s not crazy or unheard of, women will understand what you want. Then she can say yes or no.

I’ve met many partners without flirting, I’m friends with them, then I either make a move or I don’t. I’m always honest and direct about what I want.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread