Dilaudid first time

Man, don't waste your time plugging with dillies. Snorting dillies are the shit. If someone tells you shoot or sell, they aren't doing it right. Here is how you get a dilly to work great snorting. My best connect is 4mg dilly so I've spent some time getting the most out of it without shooting.

Crush it up, I recommend 2... doesn't mean you have to do all 2. Break out very thin, very long lines. I average about 10-12 lines per 2 pills. Clean out your nostril of choice, get your finger in there and make sure no cliffhangers or wall huggers. Do a line then wait 2 minutes or so. Then do another. wait another 2 minutes then do another. On third line take a smoke break. In between doing the lines, after the 2-3 minutes of waiting get in there and clean out that nostril. Sometimes I get lucky and have both nostrils clear but most the time only one isn't stuff, i have no idea why.

I used to just crush a pill and snort it in either one line or two. Then one night i came into like 10 pills and said fuck it im getting right tonight. I think i ended up snorting 7 or 8 pills in the span of 2-3 hours and never got any more buzzed than had i done 2. After that I was done with them until i saw a post on here on how to properly snort them awhile back. Now i fucking love dillys as much as roxys. You snort them right and you have a good nod and get pretty high for 3-4 hours. Not much of a rush especially compared to shooting. And doing this you feel the nod building, so if your good after 5-6 lines, just save the rest for later.

TL:DR: Break out a lot of small long lines, take 2-3 min breaks inbetween rails, and clean out that nose after your 2-3 min breaks.

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