[Discussion] Has gamergate/social justice effected you outside the internet?

Not really, thank Cthulhu. But I'm a lot better at spotting social justice ideas in general. Only person I know who is aware of GG is an indifferent coworker. The GG fiasco is basically how I ended up learning about SJW whackjobbery. Nowadays I'm a lot better at picking up on it when I see it. Before GG I did take some social justice class as a graduation requirement. They had a pretty strong groupthink and quickly dismissed any opposing ideas but they weren't as crazy as students in universities have been recently. I usually leave IRL feminists alone however, since I don't need that shit in my life. I definitely label people as potential feminists based on their appearance. Extravagant earpiercings + dressy hipster or flower-print anything + problem glasses + scene-kid hair = probably intersectional feminist/SJW.

I haven't seen much of it IRL outside of from 2 friends. One is too deep into it to be reasoned out of it and has hosted a cringe-inducing BLM protest. I went to it because reasons and they actually did the whole 'block traffic to convince people to support our cause' brilliant idea. The result being a drunk guy getting out of a car and trying to fight them. I sat far away on a park bench for plausible deniability when I heard some trans tumblrina yell "fuck you cis scum" at the guy.This cringey road block wasn't even on a particularly busy road and it took a half hour for a squad of 12 cop cars to show up despite a police station being right around the corner. Luckily for them they chicken-shitted out of the road right before any cop was able to actually witness a law being broken and I don't know why they didn't bother to question people. I lost a bit of respect for this friend but I'm not about to go out of my way to call someone out who posts anti-white people rants/identity politics rhetoric on Facebook when I'd prefer social justice mobs from knowing my personal information.

The other friend casually agrees with the social justice rhetoric so I've kind of been challenging him on it when he brings it up. I'm hoping he questions his perceptions eventually but he's not particularly bright and kind of stubborn.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread