# Discussion Thread: 2020 General Election Part 10 | 1am (ET) Poll Close AK | Counting Continues into Tomorrow

I’m tired of reading comments from people blaming the dems for shitty results. It’s not on the dems, dudes. It’s on the idiots voting for a guy who is essentially a CARTOON VILLAIN. I mean, Trump barely passes for human; he’s pretty much a legion of cockroaches wearing an ill-fitting human suit. The dems could nominate a jar of sentient mayonnaise and that should still be more appealing than Trump. Yet half the nation has voted for him again, and that says more about the American people than it does about the dems. Put the blame where it belongs. Your neighbors, your family, your coworkers — heck, maybe even your friends.

What we got from the dems wasn’t big-brain mayo — we got a pretty great human with some pretty great plans for the nation, and not voting for him because he’s not the literal gift from god is just... so dumb. So entitled. We need to hold our fellows accountable for their decisions. It’s the only way anything’s going to change.

Anyway, I’m tired. I’m going to bed, and I’m going to hope things take a turn for the better tomorrow. For you, for me, for the nation. Get some rest too, guy; it’s going to be a long day tomorrow.

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