AITA for refusing to allow my husband in the delivery room when I give birth?


he has every right to be upset. yeah, your anxieties are valid... but so are his feelings. this IS a huge moment in his life, not just yours, & it is very unfair to deny him the experience of being around when BOTH yours & HIS child is welcomed to the world, takes their first breath, makes their first cry/other baby noises. super duper unfair.

I get being private about bodily stuff & medical stuff. but this particular situation is not just about you & baby. it's about him too. that's his child too. plus, as many other people here have said, the "bodily fluids" bit of giving birth doesn't stop with the birth since the body is healing & healing isn't typically a pretty thing. many parents who have just given birth need some sort of help from the partner doing very basic things because everything hurts & whatnot.

im going to be super blunt here, i think some therapy should've been had before having a kid. it's not too late, but.. idk this just seems unhealthy for everyone & i fear it'll only get worse. hoping it doesn't, obviously, but please get some professional help with your anxiety.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread