Disturbing video of six year old "playing" with her doll (warning: language)

Women have many forms of birth control that are very effective and almost 100% effective.

Men have condoms. The only other form of birth control a male has is a vasectomy which is permanent sterility.

Women have the choice of abortion. Men do not. If a male has a one night stand he regrets, he has no choices if a women he doesn't even know wants to keep the baby. Male rape victims have had to pay child support. Males who had their sperm stolen from condoms or oral sex have had to pay child support. Google it, it is disgusting. Imagine if a woman was told she couldn't have an abortion from a rape.

Recently there have been a huge amount of articles dealing with "Peter pan" syndrome and why men are not growing up. Women put enormous pressure on bachelor's to get married.

I don't know where you are from but in my state you can be jailed and have your drivers license revoked for not paying support. It happens. It is debtors prison. The only remaining debtors prison in the first world. It basically ensures you will not find work again, you are screwed. Imagine if we jailed dead beat mom's who let their kids get obese. The tumblr crowd would go insane.

Explain to me how in any way women are disadvantaged. They can literally do whatever job they want. They are seen as equal. They are CEOs, heck one might even be president soon.

Any remnant of the old Patriarchy in the US that hurt women is gone. The problem is no one removed the things common law built up to make up for the old disparity.

Things like alimony, child support, need to go.

We need a legal way for men to have an abortion if they want nothing to do with kids from casual sex.

Women need to get draft cards when they turn 18.

The funny thing is what I'm saying is progressive as hell, I want men and women to be treated equally under the law.

/r/videos Thread Parent Link - vimeo.com