To divorce or to not divorce

Reddit comments are a load of nonsense, saw a comment by a Reddit or who says they are 30 years happily married. They didn't even read your post properly enough to realise you had been married for 10 years.

You can look at the statistics but you should also consider every case, every life, every relationship is also unique as well.

You both need therapy, your partner needs a lot of therapy a lot of different types of understanding. He needs to relearn what it means to be a man, he needs to go back and learn from things that lead him to this point. He may even need to revisit his child hood and start from scratch. At the same time he needs to re address what happening in the present and his relationship with you. Because even if you divorce you will still have a relationship btw. You are both in it for life, you share children.

In terms of divorce I can not answer, all I can say is don't gamble with your life and happiness. The Husband you first met all those years ago would want your happiness and safety. Even now this man who doesn't even know it yet would still want you to be happy.

For him, it's going to be hard work, the hardest he's ever done,harder then any degree and it's going to be a lifetime of work.

As human beings we have the potential to do anything and to be the first to do something.

I wish you all the best in your journey, I also advise you to think with your head and feel with your head aka listen to your gut and heart. You may have to listen very carefully. Do what's best for your children and for yourself.

I'm sorry I couldn't help more then this.. I am.

I pray all of you a future with a happy ending

/r/Marriage Thread