Doctor's Strike - Doctor smashes it on BBC interview - Tory lies exposed

I think I am going to be very unpopular. So let me start by saying I have considerable family background in Medicine and unstinting determination to support all NHS Staff and the Fully publically owned and protected NHS. For further context the Party leader I feel currently most closely represents my politics is Corbyn.

As an "average" member of the public I have only heard one convincing argument for rejection of the new contracts. That it is unsafe and grossly unfair to remove protection of working hours for Doctors. In fact I feel that these should be tightened with 90 hours maximum reduced to 60. I only really understood this because I asked and was answered on Reddit.

This Doctor didn't smash anything nor did he expose any lies. An emotive headline 100% Biased. He basically relied on the very popular and true argument. Who do you trust Doctors or Politicians? There were no facts or points addressed no information as to where there really can be no agreement. Actually Sentiment fro the noble Doctors aside, I don't actually trust anybody where I am not fully appraised of the information. Doctors are by no means Saints. Of course stir the Public up appropriately and anyone would think the entire Profession was staffed by clones of Mother Theresa.

So no I was un-moved by this Doctor or in fact most of the Doctors who have stepped into the glare of the Media to then not make a case in favour of making an emotional appeal.

As for Politicians, of course to say I don't trust them is an understatement, it is also easy to use as this Doctor has. But please don't think winning a popularity contest of Saintly Doctors vs. Evil Politicians is the same as winning the argument. Nothing in life is so simple ... as a Doctor should know.

/r/unitedkingdom Thread Link -