Why Does (almost) All of The Media Lie?

In a democracy, control of the information that goes to voters is immensely valuable. Look at how much money gets spent on it. A single candidate in a single election has raised 100 million dollars and that's well before even the primaries have even begun. Then consider how many elections and how many politicians are campaigning all around the country everywhere all the time. And that's just the direct political process. All consumer choices have value, and influencing news and information is therefore valuable in the same way.

I don't know if there would ever be a way to remove media bias. All else being equal though, I don't know that it's liberal vs conservative bias that is the biggest concern. With the country split roughly evenly, healthy competition for ideas, money, etc., I think popular and worthwhile ideas should be able to come out.

The bigger problem is the bias between money and special interests and politicians vs the interests of the citizens and the country as a whole. In that case it seems much harder for all sides to be heard fairly. And the politicians are paid to expertly frame these issues as being liberal vs conservative, or create a distraction with a different issue that is.

I'm not going to say there aren't major, important, and fundamental differences that do deserve air between liberal and conservative ideologies, but like I said, I think many of these differences could be worked through in an "open market" kind of approach to ideas, news, opinions. Not everyone will be happy with everything of course, but that's the nature of living in a society.

I believe that fundamentally, most people want to help themselves, their neighbors, state, country, and fellow man to improve. So the divide and animosity and lack of dialogue and rational logical thinking and compromise is testament to the effectiveness of politicians in manufacturing these issues that they can be seen to "solve".

Immigration is a good example. Look at the left and right governments around the world. For the most part, the left claims to want to integrate immigrants and support them adapt to their new country, and the right claims to want to stop them. And when either side gets into power, they just continue irresponsible and unsupported immigration of people who gravitate to enclaves and fail to integrate. There's no analysis, no rational discussion of objectives and pros and cons, no evaluation. Both sides of politics love it because it fans the flames of division and can easily be framed as a left vs right issue (in reality it is not left or right but the lack of responsible, objective and evidence based policy).

Very difficult to ever fix. Government regulation of truth, news, and private speech is clearly terrible. One thing that could help is regulation of government. Politicians need to be held accountable, they need to be investigated and prosecuted, and there need to be strong laws against corruption and lying and misleading citizens from government office.

That's immensely difficult to do as well, mind you. How can you ensure democratically elected politicians are not targeted by unelected regulatory bodies or courts, for example? However I don't think it's impossible to improve significantly, and it's far less problematic than government regulation of private organizations. The problem is that very few politicians are interested in putting the brakes on the gravy train.

/r/Conservative Thread