Does anyone else notice higher luck when doing NF?

Okay honestly I would think this is a little bit (no offense) of a load of bs if i read this a few months ago even though I was on nofap but due to my experience I 10000000% agree. On my 35 or 37 day streak not much changed but a lot changed at the same time. A person I usually always end up arguing with, this person and I had zero arguments and everything was very smooth and good these days. I relapsed on a thursday or friday at most and by sunday my entire life went downhill. And since then, without me even realizing a lot of bad luck has been happening that had not been happening during my streak. I used to blame these bad luck things on a different habit but now I'm realizing it is very much related to nofap because I also on my relapse bender because I didn't believe nofap was real again for some reason I had a few similar things happen, things getting lost, broken, dropping things, being unable to tolerate the weather even though last year I was able to easily, things getting harder at work for no reason, etc etc etc. You are not alone in this experience and thank you for sharing because I didn't think I would find anything searching this but your experience helped me connect the dots and put two and two together.

/r/NoFap Thread