Why does the DD customer service try to cheat us?

DoorDash is the only online food delivery service that obfuscates the total payout of offers that their drivers are presented with. What you pay, is not often what the driver sees because of DD.

A no tip order will be shown as $2.25. Orders with less than a $4 tip are shown exactly. They're $2.25 + the tip. Above that, they will be shown as low as $6.25. If you had a tip of $8, it could still be started shown as little as $6.25 to drivers.

The payout of an offer isn't everything to an offers appeal. Appeal is hard to find on DD. But places like Popeyes and Taco Bell can be impossible to pick up from.

If you tip adequately, I would recommend using a service like GH. For online delivery, I won't accept anything inder $5 as a driver. Because it's a custom service. I'll probably wait a bit and all that.

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