Why Does Everyone Hate Ghostbusters?

Lol @ "feminist propaganda". It's hilarious how sensitive and paranoid you are. And lol @ taking a movie so seriously. It's just a movie you sad greasy little nerd virgin.

I'm a Cruz supporter and am as conservative as anyone, but you "meninists" are an embarrassment to the male gender. See, 99% of us are able to have normal relationships with women, and then there are you deviants.

While we were getting laid in high school, you meninists were the little greasy fatfuck or scrawny nerds ridiculed by girls who ended up crying at home jerking off to pictures of 13-year old Emma Watson.

While were were getting laid in college, you meninists were the little greasy fatfuck or scrawny nerd virgins ridiculed by co-eds who ended up crying in your dorm rooms and jerking off to pictures of 13-year old Emma Watson on your computers.

While we're dating and getting married as adults, you meninists are the bitter barely-employable little greasy fatfuck obese hogs or scrawny pansies with menial jobs who've built up a lifetime of resentment against women and spew your nerd rage on anonymous internet forums like chickenshits because you have no friends and no one to talk to.

That or you got raped by daddy and mommy didn't do anything/care and now you hate women for life.

That or you're closet gays who hate women so much you've totally swung the other way, or actually more like you were always that way. You cry about women to hide the fact you secretly take it up the ass.

Whatever the case, meninists are genetically-defective aberrations whose genes haven't been selected by evolution to be passed on. Since you're physically repugnant to women, you're not going to help the species propagate. And if you offer zero reproductive value and aren't going to help the species propagate you're wastes of resources and should be hunted down and exterminated. The Nazis would have shoved you genetically-inferior freaks into ovens.

Meninists = the 1% of men unable to have normal relationships with women: the physically-deformed; the socially-inept; the fugly obese or scrawny virgins; the freaks and losers; the deviants. I'm almost finished modding my AR-15, and you're such an embarrassment to my gender I'd consider it a service to humanity testing it out on you resource-wasting parasites.

/r/movies Thread Parent Link - youtube.com