Does gender even matter? Instead of "switching" why not just abandon it all together?

As you make your way down the hall towards the Masters of The Dance, you're accosted by someone in a blue hat. "Hey I noticed you switched hats earlier," they say. "But why switch hats when you could just remove them altogether? Surely that's the only way to freedom?".

To be honest you had noticed that some people had no hats, and were trying to invent new dances. These dances were not yet The Dance, but maybe, after a hundred or a thousand years, they would be a perfectly interlocking part of The Dance, perhaps there would be many different colored hats or there would be no hats at all. It's difficult to say.

All you knew was you couldn't find your way until you put on the red hat, you're tripping less often and to go back and try yet another option to learn all over again hardly appeals. Why is this person saying that hat switchers would be a good vehicle for inventing new moves in the dance? Aren't there already no hatters and green and yellow hatters trying to do that? This blue hat could join them or talk to people who never considered changing their hats that these new moves might work better. But instead they have come after the hat switchers...

But this is all irrelevant to you. You have nothing against people who want to change the dance, or have many dances or many kinds of hats, but for you there has always been The Dance - there is something about mastery, about the wisdom of generations there, and while you wish the best for the green and yellow hats and the no hats, for you there has always been the dream of being a red hat at the end of the hall.

(Stretched analogy that conflates gender identity, expressions and roles, but maybe gives you an idea on my perspective.)

/r/asktransgender Thread Parent