Does meditation help with anger issues?

YES absolutely, BUT meditation in itself is a gateway to working on anger issues. Working on anger itself while in meditation is something you'll find differing opinion on and certainly some cool threads from the past in this sub.

I am 6, 7, years without a drink at this point, not counting because meditation has been fine for me in lieu of recovery groups. But at one point I was very easy to tick off. (l-o-l) And yes I did the scream at the top of my lungs thing one time.

The impulsiveness is what sticks around the longest, the irritation subsides before that.

The tools outside meditation must be used whatever they are, The Work by Byron Katie, Group healing, practicing kindness and understanding the difference between truly being kind and pseudo kindness - their is emotional authenticity with the former.

I found the Inner Voice of Love by Henri Nouwen to be very helpful along the way.

/r/Meditation Thread