Why does my 25 yo boyfriend of 7 months want to stay over 4 nights a week & wants a key to my apartment, but doesn’t want to move out of his parents house in with me ?

Tell him youll stay the night at his parents and see how he reacts. If he welcomes the idea and he himself is hospitable and genuinely wants to be in your company then youll at least know he cares about you and isnt simply using you. Try to be positive towards him neeting his goals. I wouldnt assume he's incapable of rapidly maturing, but he may just need help finding direction before reaching that point. Hes always had appointments made for him, maybe he hasanxiety about these immature ticks that arent 100% his fault and dont necessarily have to define him. Maybe approach his mother optimistically asking for help pushin him in the right direction, just dont blame her at all, and act excited for the future or even try to actually convince yourself you are. Showing negativity will definitely always push you two apart so make sure you dont leavd him feelinb helpless as thats likely what he feels a lot of tge time. I understand where hes at in life. Maybe not as comfortable financially as his family but I was always able to rely on my amazing mother after my father passed at 13, and then my grandfather who was like a 2nd dad passed a couple years afterfwhichleft me in a void as i struggled to find anything but extreme depression in the 2nd 15 years of my life. Im now 31, andjust out of a 5 year battle trying to get my narcissist ex girlfriend to care like i did as she told me how shitty of a person I am as I took care of her putting my life into disarray as she did the most evil things to me leaving me suicidal, yet nobody ever knew i was even depressed because Im a man, and felt Id be seen as weak, and then finally opened up to get the weaknesses exploited by her and left for dead. The exact reason everything was bottled up inside me for. Telling ppl just set me up to be destroyed, and thats a feeling a lot of men struggle with, i was just unfortunate enough to meet who i did and leave myself exposed

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