Does reddit favour MRAs over feminists in a substantial way? If so, why?

Hi. I'm genderfluid who doesn't label themselves either of those things, because of how I personally feel below. -waves- :)

1: Know this:




the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. << Don't forget it. Seriously. Don't freaking forget it.

Step 2: Treat people like they're human. Stand up when they aren't being treated like they're human.

Step 3: Don't attach jokes to your movement. This is those "get back in the kitchen" or "male tears" jokes you see everywhere. Don't attach jokes to your movement. It changes people's perspectives on you. It changes what people joining your movement think they're involved with. It's different if you're gonna make a joke all in good fun. Just don't attach those things to your goddamn movement. "Male tears" is not feminism. Know that. Learn that. Don't attach freaking jokes to your gosh darn movement.

Step 4: Acknowledge that we don't need any labels to be good, decent human beings. You wanna be in a movement? Cool, just know that because there's another movement, that doesn't mean your fight is suddenly against them. Having different labels doesn't change the goddamn war, folks. Stop fighting others who just want to get what you want - equality. Look back to step 1. Fight for that. And not just a struggle for women, or a struggle for men, it's a struggle that everyone goes through. Hi, I'm genderfluid, and it's a fuckin' struggle.

Step 5: Educate yourself. Educate yourself. Educate yourself. About the other sides, ALL the sides, and the things they struggle with being on what side they are. Being a girl has benefits. So does being a guy. This is not a competitive fight, guys. This is not something where the person who struggles the most gets rewarded, what the heck? This is about FIXING those issues. This is about it being based on YOU not your labels you were attached with.

So... going through it once more. Know what equality is. Stand up for others. Don't make your movement a fuckin' joke. Know you don't have to be a MRA or a feminist at all to fight back against sexism. Educate yourself about the things you don't know shit about. Actually try and make our world a better place, rather than some sort of struggle contest.

Yes. That's it. Congradulations. Good job. I love you. Have a damn good day. Yes. -waves- :)

/r/AskReddit Thread