Why does it seem like ADHDers on meds are more productive than normal people? (RANT)

Um, you do realize that if you do the math, you will see that there are literally tens of thousands of combinations of mental disorders that can mimic and be mimicked by ADHD, right? What differentiates bipolar disorder from ADHD? How can you tell? It's all incredibly subjective. You may not want to admit it, but it is practically impossible to tell whether or not it is TRULY ADHD that is causing it.

Tell me: what differentiates ADHD inattention from bipolar or anxiety inattention when you also have Asperger's, depression and OCD at the same time? LMAO, it's not as easy as you think to do a "differential diagnosis" and pinpoint the ADHD. There is no blood test, no brain scan, no nothing to figure out whether or not ADHD is actually causing inattention symptoms.

it is not a wishy-washy disease What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

By the way, judging by your long, rambling posts, delusions of grandeur

Lol, I specifically mentioned in my post, had you actually bothered to read it (maybe you should take your meds, boy) that I typed this WITHOUT my medication. Dumbass. Stop being a Sherlock Holmes wannabe.

Mmk. Dunning-Kruger effect, boy. Maybe you should search it up and get tested for it lol.

Lastly, what's your source for all this shit you're spewing? LOL. You are clearly in denial as to ADHD's vagueness. It is not easy to correctly diagnose ADHD. So many people who actually have it get denied treatment for their entire lives because it is either misdiagnosed, or they don't actually realize that they have it. Conversely, many people who fake ADHD to get the high that stimulants give end up actually getting said stimulants and abuse them for study and recreational use. LOL. Lemme redirect you, boy.


LOL, if you do have ADHD for realsies, then I bet that you just want your diagnosis to be as concrete as possible. Bitch please, you know that an ADHD racing mind can be exactly the same as an anxiety racing mind, right? Not to mention, ADHD acts differently when comorbid with other disorders. Also, when other disorders are comorbid with other disorders, and I'm not necessarily talking about ADHD, together they can act like ADHD.

If diagnosing ADHD were such a walk in the park, then I could be a fucking ADHD specialist LOL. Come back with a neuroscience degree or some shit and then come talk to me.

/r/ADHD Thread Parent