Why does society praise single mothers so much yet villainise Nice Guys, and equally mock single dads?

I am not aware of single dads being demonized in the media at large.

Me either, but OP was trying to use some choice articles to say it's a broader problem.

Let's be honest here - those idiots who wrote the article above are malevolent feminists who can't just have it that there's a specific male group that gets a positive coverage while in the same article its female equivalent isn't praised to the heavens, and in feminist land we can't have that.

I agree that there shouldn't be some perspective that says "don't praise single dads" as the articles in question seem to suggest. However, I think the rest of your state,net is a bit dramatic. I don't think most feminists are like that. If you agree these are outliers, no argument there.

And I am saying "a positive coverage" not "a more positive coverage than its female equivalent" because single moms already get a fairly benevolent media coverage, and a far better one than they deserve (as a collective).

I see what you're saying but I don't understand your complaint that single moms don't "deserve" benevolent media coverage. There's always going to be more single moms than single dads because of obvious reasons. So even if there is positive coverage about single dads, there's likely to be more about single moms because it's a more prevalent occurrence in women. And ultimately, taking care of a child is considered a good thing by society. I don't know anyone who would legit argue it's better to abandon your kids to the state. So why shouldn't there be "benevolent" coverage? You guys are always saying women should be held responsible for a child as well - how are single moms antithetical to that?

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