Yesterday I 29M HL snapped over my wife 27F HL before child birth LL after (Update 2 with truth)

That's just.....mean.

Albeit it, maybe true.

Here's my take, all his 'posts' do not match the vibe and feel of usual posts here. Perhaps they do call into question the validity of said stories, there's also the chance that perhaps he has simply failed to paint the accurate picture of what he has experienced.

But I will say this, it seems, very much, like he has used the affair as a weapon against his wife. That very much goes against what this sub is about. We do what do we, to fill what we need as it lacks in our attached relationship (or we're the need-filler). We don't use an affair to punish someone. We don't take someone who is, obviously, so grossly attached to us, and then drag their emotions through fiery hot coals and manipulate them to do our bidding. Most of us here, are hurting, looking for support, even if we don't cheat, we have a positive place to connect with others, without the taboo of society. Some of us are actually the helpers and enjoy lifting that attached persons spirits. You have taken all that, and hurt someone by having an affair. And instead of 'fessing up' or confronting it, or hell, hiding it; you took it, weaponized it, and then, with seemingly little regard for another human being, beat her emotions to a bloody pulp, till she did what you asked. Your post lays out the literal emotional torture you put someone through, so you could get information out of her.

This post isn't about judging you, or convicting you of some unwritten crime. It simply lays out why you have not gotten any updates and why people are ignoring you. What you do with your life and relationships, is totally up to you. None of us know you from any other throwaway here. But here's that part that shows it doesn't belong on this sub: it's not supportive, it's not seeking help, and it's not even encouraging. It doesn't matter what it actually is, those three things are what this sub is here for.

/r/DeadBedrooms Thread