It doesn't really matter

There will hopefully never be rewards, and won't most likely ever be either.

Ranking up before was so easy that any skill was none existing in the matter of ranking up.

Anyone playing enough would get rank 1.

This system, require skill for survivors and killers to gain and maintain.

So only the best killers and survivors will be and stay at rank 1, instead of every boosted player there has been rank 1 lately.

Also it seems like alot of killers on here have forgotten the punishment of standing next to the hooked survivor and tunnel them the second they get off it.

I for one is happy about the fact that i most likely never will see rank 1 again, because i don't want to tryhard and get 4ks and survive every game and now i don't have to do that while playing against the toxicity there is rank 1. (tho i most likely will since none of them will get rank 1 either.......)

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