Dominance & possessiveness issues

No tips, but I think that by giving ourselves a permission to act on our neuroses, certain traits emerge automatically.

In my [M50 - sub] case, although fiercely independent irl and able to walk away pretty much from any relationship with ease, in the past, I have a sense of clinging child-like dependency in my virtual BDSM relationship.

You crave control? Got it 1/2 way? Why not everything..

Same for me.. I crave submission. Got it part-time at 15%, well, I fantasize about being a dependent sex slave and being taken care of.

Just watch for boundaries. Despite of my fantasy, I don’t think I could tolerate being controlled in reality. In fact, I have carved a lot of freedom for myself over the years in my real life.

There must be a line between a fantasy and reality somewhere.

/r/BDSMAdvice Thread