Donald Trump is considering Marjorie Taylor Greene as his 2024 running mate

If he had one ounce of intelligence he would have let his inheritance ride in the market, made a fuckton of money from doing nothing, and been a successful new yorker...instead he's a butt raisin

As much as I despise the orange turd, you have to admit he achieved something plenty of wealthy people covet but never reach.

He used his inheritance to become POTUS, arguably the most powerful person on the entire planet. It's hard to say he squandered his inheritance given that fact.

We might look back after this is all resolved and say running for President was his biggest mistake, but at the moment he still hasn't faced a single meaningful consequence. Instead, he's just a rich guy who somehow parleyed his inheritance into the presidency. That's something very, very few rich people can claim, no matter how wealthy or intelligent they are.

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