Donald Trump had to ask aides what nuclear treaty with Russia was during call with Vladimir Putin

Donald Trump frequently forgot when/where class was. On more than one occasion, I had to retrieve him from other classrooms. Donald Trump ate an entire 24 pack of crayons, puked, and then did it again the next day. This is 9th grade. I have no idea where he got crayons. Donald Trump’s dad wrote tuition checks and mailed them to me…his English teacher. This was a public school. When I gave it back to Donald Trump, voided, to give to his dad with a brief note explaining that this is a public school, Donald Trump got in trouble for trying to spend it at 711 after school. Donald Trump was removed from the culinary arts program after leaving a cutting board on the gas stove and starting a fire….twice Donald Trump threw his lunch at the School Resource Officer and tried to run away. He ran into a door and insisted it wasn’t him. Donald Trump stole my phone during class. I called it. It rang. He denied that it was ringing. (Not that it wasn’t his, not that he did it…, he denied that the phone was actually ringing). He tried it three times before the end of the year. Donald Trump called the basketball coach a “Motherfucking Bitch” during gym. Basketball tryouts were that afternoon. Donald Trump tried out. It didn’t go well. Donald Trump’s mom could never remember which school he went to. She missed several meetings because she drove to other schools (none of which he ever went to) Donald Trump tazed himself in the neck before a football game Donald Trump kept a bottle of orange koolaide in his backpack for about 4 months. He thought it would turn into alcohol. He drank it during homeroom and threw up. Donald Trump say the N-word a lot. Donald Trump was white. The highschool was 84% black. Donald Trump got beat up a lot. Donald Trump stole another student’s Iphone….and tried to sell it back to them. Donald Trump didn’t understand that his grade was dependent on tests, quizzes, homework, classwork, and participation. Donald Trump finished his first semester with a 3% average. He tried to bribe me with $11. Donald Trump spit on a girl and said “You should get out of those wet clothes”. The girl was the Spanish Student Teacher. Donald Trump didn’t know dogs and cats were different animals. Donald Trump tried to download porn onto a computer in the library… the circulation desk….while he was logged on. Donald Trump asked a girl to prom (he was in 9th grade and freshmen don’t go to prom) by asking for her phone number and then texting her his address Donald Trump got gum in his hair, constantly. Donald Trump regularly tried to cheat on assignments by knocking the pile over, grabbing one before I had picked them all up, and then writing it name on it wherever there was room. Donald Trump had several allergies, but neither his parents nor he could remember what they were. They were very concerned that “the holiday party” (it’s high school, we don’t have those) would have peanuts. When they finally got a doctor’s note….he was allergic to amoxicillin Donald Trump and his parents took a trip to Nassau (how the fuck did they even get airline tickets?) and forgot all their luggage at home. I didn’t believe him when he told me until I talked to him mom, who told me 1st thing when I saw her at the bi-weekly meeting. Donald Trump’s grandfather apparently died in a chainsaw accident. I can only assume God was looking the other way that day.”

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