Donald Trump on Waterboarding: "I Love It"

So I should just take your word on it?

The thing is proven unreliable by experts and those who actually were in charge of the practice, I don't care if there is anecdotal evidence that it works in some circumstances.

You do understand that your basis for morality actually justifies actions of groups like ISIS, right? They use the exact same arguments as you.

Sure, you can totally just take my word for it. That would be much easier.

I'll take my anecdotal evidence during an extremely fucked war over the so-called experts any day of the weak.

And, no, my basis for morality does not in any way justify the actions of ISIS nor are they exactly the same. ISIS starts from a position, morally, that we are less than human and need to be subjugated and killed. I start from a position that any group or individual that has abandoned morality completely and has attacked me is not worthy of the benefits of Western morality or humanity. If we had been seeking out and attacking them because they were Muslim, you might have a point. But the West has not done that. We did not create this current incarnation of Islam. They created it themselves to fill some ache that is completely at odds with Western thinking. They long for a return of the caliphate that the Western world has been bending iver backwards to accomodate for 100 years and last known as the Ottomans, aka The Sick Man of Europe. That is how long in modern times the West has tried to bring Islam into the fold. They refuse. They seek the conflict, they define the rules, they will reap what they have sown.

There is no comparison between wanting to waterboard terrorists and wanting to eradicate the West.

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