Donald Trump has turned America into a place where victims are mocked and being merciless is a virtue

America has been this way for years. Trump just gave these people a louder voice and think they have they are in the majority but they are now. Maybe the way the Government is set up it may seem that way but Republicans consistently lose majority votes in presidential elections and gerrymander cities and towns all across the US. Trump is bringing what most of us know we have needed all along. Change. We need to change the way things are setup. Republicans have control now and they may have control again after the mid terms. But that doesn't mean all is lost what that means is we fight harder, fight smarter and occassionally we may just have to fight dirty but you know what happens in two years after the midterms, another chance to vote. We can't let these type of people take over this country. We fought against far stronger foes to get where we are today and we will defeat them.

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