I don't even know what to do anymore

Honestly, when you go low prio, don't try to fight it by "coordinating" your teams and making "good team comps".

Just have fun, it's a release from the stressful normal games where everyone fights for that +25.

It's a callback to your first games of dota where mjollnir jakiro and daedalus bounty hunter were legit. Jungle legion? Forget about that, lion is back in the jungle where he belongs. No discrimination exists here, everyone is equal, everyone is core.

Embrace the chaos, laugh at the puta madres and cyka blyats and continue your game knowing that anything and everything can happen. It's a world of possibilities, unhindered by the weight of the meta, free flowing as the river that divides our battlefield. A game where heart and soul matter more than mere game knowledge and mechanics. A victory where a team rejoices as a whole and feels a sense of camaraderie, an actual feeling of achievement shared among 5 individuals despite the language barriers present. A battle that wasn't fought for numbers or to climb one more ring up the MMR ladder, but for a greater, more human meaning.

Some say the heart of dota lies in the esports scene, but the heart doesn't lie at the peak.

No, you have to dig deep, very deep to reach the true heart of dota.

/r/DotA2 Thread