I don't want to live this life.

Well, I look at that bad stuff and masturbate to it; there is no age range, if it's that stuff, it's that stuff.

I've never had an actual crush, relationship or anything of the sort. I do masturbate to actual porn, and as unwillingly as I am to say this, I do look at yiff. I've just never really felt any attraction to anybody, I can talk to a girl as if they're any other human being, not like some sexual object that I'm trying to get it good with.

There may be nothing wrong with that, and yeah it will be hard to accept. I couldn't have a normal relationship, I doubt it. I haven't even had a proper crush yet, as far as I know. Maybe I did, I'm probably just being stubborn.

I find it horrible, because I am masturbating to the forbidden fruit that is cp.

I'd tell my closest friend, but I don't know his opinion on pedos. And even if I ask him, he's gonna wonder where the conversation is going, and depending on his views; I could very well be fucked. I know that he can't keep a secret, or so I think. It could just depend on whether the secret is really serious, or isn't. I had a friend of 3 years call it off a month or two ago; and I was pretty pissed off about it; so I went on and told my other friend that he was bisexual, (he was by the way) and she went and told my 2nd closest friend. (Which is now my first closest friend, given that the other one called it off.) And he went and told one of his other friends. And I don't even know how to tell him about it, if you have some advice on how I'd tell him the news, that'd be great. (Also, this guy has been friends with me for 4 years, I think.)

I haven't really considered it, but I may; and even if I do, how would I even stay with it? I have a trouble time keeping my masturbation habits a secret from my dad. Especially considering he is very religious.

If you've got a link to a community that's based around my age, that'd would also be fantastic. Also, thank you for commenting and letting me spill my feelings. This is nice, it's kind of like an actual weight got lifted off of my chest. (Hence the subreddit's name being offmychest. I guess.) Thank you.

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