You don't need game. All you need is value.

Ofcourse, but it's not because of "game". It's because of their overall value. Because if there was no attraction there they would not keep sleeping with them. Now the thing is that physical attraction is only one side of the coin, there's also emotional/mental attraction. (Money is not attractive by itself contrary to the above, but it does give you the ability to take her to places and have fun.) This is why you sometimes see an ugly guy with a pretty woman. The guy is either more socially developped raising emotional/mental attraction or is higher status (more money, etc.). Another thing is that the woman can be insecure too, mentally reducing her own value. So if you want to increase your value beyond the physical then you better start learning social queues, I'm talking about eye contact, voice, stuff like that. Don't neglect finances either (which would be stupid for yourself too). Here for example: .

What I mean is if you don't know how to read social queues, then prepare for a lot of rejection, because you're not filtering out the crowd. (Constant approach as advocated by "gamers" doesn't do this, causing you to play against the odds. You would vastly increase your odds if you look for a sign first. And for this you need to increase your social intelligence.) This thing came more naturally to me once I increased my confidence level (aka by stopping the self-judgement through mentally reducing my own value), allowing me to be more present in the moment and thus reading body language better. It also resolves being a pussy. But again, I wasn't following any game rules.

The main message of my thread is that many men see their value as less than it is. This leads to insecurity which translates to a lack of confidence, which translates to not making a move. This some would call "game", but it's not. It's just not going after you want.

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