Why don't you talk to your once "best friend" anymore?

The first time it happened the first time it happened I was like I don't know 14- or 13 years old. Idk she was a bad friend , i was young enough I don't care. This girl her name was let's just say her name was Jay and basically I was friends with her and my sister who is older than me by 5 years was Friends with J's older sister.

Jay always wanted to be friends with my older sister but seem to settle for me and it was nothing that caused a fight but her and my older sister and the Jays older sister what all getting up and fully me but basically I don't remember all that much I guess that's contacts I've heard from my sister but I don't know not upset not whiny just is but microphone function .

Off track but basically she wanted to be my older sister so much as I got older she started copying me to impress my older sister it was weird basically everything Jay made fun of me for she used to try to be me basically long story short she got knocked up really young and had a kid and we stop talking before that so it was no loss I got off track

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