I don't want to tell anyone that I'm pregnant.

It's my first pregnancy and I'm still early, it was planned and is extremely wanted, and I already dread telling anyone. I have had a few bad dreams about seeing my family and trying not to say I'm pregnant. In my case there's some logic to it, I moved out young due to a hectic household and my parents are pretty terrible people but still. I LOVE my sisters and don't want to tell them. It's freaking me out cause idk why. I'm soooo excited to be pregnant! On the other hand, I'm counting down the days until I can tell my in-laws and 100% desire to tell them. So idk what it is. I will say whenever I search this online, it's always people on their 2nd or 3rd pregnancy that have no desire to tell anyone about it. So maybe it's something about the experience, wanting to be private, I think it's normal :)

/r/BabyBumps Thread