Don't worry about unwinnable games

I remember reading this a long time ago. It is definitely a useful tool to increase your ranking in solo queue. However, I do not agree with the majority of reasoning. The main one is it focuses on using alternative methods to increasing your rank instead of getting better at the game.

My focus is always on getting better at the game and the rank comes along with it. I tell the same people who are trying to get better.

Is your goal only to have a Diamond border? Then sure follow his advice.

Always play with your best champions

I agree but it limits your potential. Who is better: A Diamond player that plays 5 champions? A Diamond player that plays 100 champions? The 100 champion pool player would have a significant edge due to knowing the weakness of more champions. You can play against something like Riven until you go grey to learn how to play against him but playing Riven will make that process go substantially quicker.

Never play when you are tired, angry, or depressed (Important)


Dodge queue if you don't get the role you need to play

Disagree strongly. If you are a mid main and your last pick, do you have any idea how many times you would have to dodge due to this rule? It is not needed. Just learn how to play every role even if it is with certain champions. AP mid lane player? Try lulu top or sup. There are always way to be comfortable in other roles.

Don't risk to play if you think your internet is unstable

Most people would never think their internet is unstable until they are already in a game.

Optimize on your Runes, Masteries, and Item builds before you play (Very Important)

I mean it helps but it sure as shit isn't very important. I have 2 rune pages on all my accounts except my main and I feel no difference. Just make sure your rune pages make some sort of sense.

Evaluate on your champion's strengths and try to pick fights to your advantage (kiting, trading hits, pokes, all-out, pushing, etc)


Don't repeatedly make mistakes and be patient (hug tower and skip cs when you are being camped, etc)

agreed. However, this concept has literally nothing to do with being camped. It has to do when you are behind lane. If I am getting camped but I am ahead I sure as shit am not going to hug my tower. That throws all of my pressure out the window and allows the jungler roam to other lanes. I would rather have him in my lane because I have faith in myself to not die. I would prefer to ward and try to create a counter gank. Now if you are BEHIND in lane, give up cs to not get poked too much and force to base/dove at an unfavorable time and lose a turret.

Complete your items instead of buying multiples of basic and advanced items (As final items are much more powerful)

agreed. Unless you have to do a change up in your build order.

Take down an enemy tower by level 12 and start roaming

What? If you can take it at 6,7,8,9 take it at 6, 7, 8, 9, etc... What is special about 12? Just take it as soon as possible and roam/siege other lanes.

Avoid getting caught by enemies and also do not die together when your ally gets caught


Spam alert ping to direct your teammates in making the right decisions


Do not surrender and tell your teammates that surrendering is not acceptable in ranked

disagree. If we are down 10k, 6 turrets, dragons, 12 kills at 20 minutes. I am surrendering. I am not going to waste my time and energy on trying to spend 40 minutes to come back. However, if we are down 10k, 2 turrets, 12 kills at 30 minutes, I will definitely play that out.

Take 10 minutes break in between games (Easily achivable by afking until minions spawn)

disagree. Sure if you need a break from tilting, take it. I would not afk until minions spawn. You could invade/get deep wards/ward against invade, etc...

Play a warm up game before jumping into a ranked game (A game of dominion or ARAM maybe?)

I guess but I never do it. If I don't play a game for 2-3 days I will do that but generally I never do. It only takes a wave or two to get the muscle memory rolling. Of course this may be different for everyone so adjust accordingly.

If you are the most fed player in your team, take the responsibility of carrying your team and never make a bad move for the rest of the game

agreed. If you are 16-0 and you lose, just blame yourself and not your team. You had the chance to carry your team but you didn't. Do not blame it on the 3-12 bot lane.

If you lose 2 games in a row, call it a day. Majority of people queuing up at this time might be tryhards so you automatically fall below their skill level

disagree hard. Most people have limited time they can play and if they have 6 hours on a saturday where they can actually, 2 losses shouldn't stop them from playing the rest of their allotted time. If you tilt after 2 losses you need to work on mental toughness. I can lose 15 games in a row and have many times and it doesn't affect my play even though it is quite disheartening. Find your limit, abide by that limit. If you tilt after one loss, take a break but I think working on your mental toughness would be the primary concern here.

Dodge queue when someone in your team is "trying out" a champion

Hm... I guess but I "try out" champions in ranked all the time and do completely fine on them. Everyone has a different adaptability level and should be taken into consideration. Someone may need 25 games on a champion to feel comfortable bringing him into rank. Someone may need to use each of their spells to understand the champion and feel comfortable on it. Obviously, comfortable is a long way from proficient. Personally, I have never dodged a game in my life and never plan to but I have always focused on getting better more than my rank.

Tell your jungler to focus on the other lanes if you are confident with your own lane

disagree. I want the jungler in my lane because I am confident in my lane. I want to snowball my lane and carry the game. If I am behind/feeding I will tell jungler to help out whatever the strongest lane is. If I am jungling, I almost exclusively gank winning/"confident" lanes. If someone is playing Riven top and is a one trick pony, I will spend my entire game plan around getting them fed.

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