DPH=Erectile Dysfunction and the end of my sex life

I'm proud of you for making this post and expressing yourself for others to observe. Please accept my sincere expression of gratitude for this earnest contribution. Just like you I have experienced significantly impacting emotional events after discovering expectations in life could be dashed unexpectedly. Because I can relate to what you've written, I hope you will be able to relate to what I've written here specifically just for you.

Your life has not ceased to offering you the rewarding engagement you have been conditioned to believe is in your future. Lamenting ideas of opportunities, specifically marriage and children, suggests you believe these are critical elements required to experience satisfaction, contentment, and/or peace. Please reflect on this. The cultural institutions of society promote an array of harmful fictitious belief that modify your values and behaviour without your knowledge. Demonstrably false notions about sexuality, gender, race, class, economics, authority, and more are conditioned into everyone through every cultural exchange participated in.

Consider the perspective that you could marry, have kids, and live a long life only to reflect and discover these things did nothing to achieve satisfaction, contentment, or peace, despite possessing all the critical elements you were made to believe in. Maybe you might find out you wasted the one opportunity you have at any kind of satisfaction by simply playing into what you are conditioned to believe are the things you want. Love as illustrated to be a whimsical feeling of attachment shared between people with some kind of mystical idiosyncrasies (soulmates, "the one", etc) is a fictitious narrative. True love is bond forged between people sharing in friendship and infatuation. Through ordinary social interaction vulnerabilities will become shared and when no trespass occurs trust is established. Ideas inform desires, goals are shared, and cooperative action is taken to overcome obstacles. This lays the foundation to build a wealth of memories.

When intentions are trusted, acceptance replaces judgement as the default outcome of observed expression. You might have always expected to marry a woman with two identically symmetrical breasts but fall for a woman with tragically mismatched sizes. Juvenile attachment to expectations of others cease be relevant when you love. Love isn't about judging others for how they align to our expectations, love is what follows acceptance. In the acceptance of others, true love can be felt as the selfless desire for another's well-being and happiness. You dub her slightly floppier tit IHOP and say it reminds you of a pancake. She laughs, pretending to be offended but enjoying the teasing. You tell her you love her, pancake tit and all. In the exact same way, love will have nothing to do with your penis. You already possess all the critical elements required for love to bud and grow.

Imagine your emotional state in reflection on a lifetime spent receiving the type of affection you desire and effortlessly returning the favour. This can be achieved simply by developing good communicative skills immediately and identifying what types of affection are important. It means everything to her that you spend the whole weekend together and feels guilty when given expensive gifts. You crave the validation felt when she expresses her admiration for you and would rather do all the laundry because you like things washed a certain way. If this information was available beforehand, you wouldn't surprise her with a car as a gift, you'd ask your boss if you could swap your Saturday shift with something during the week. Also you would grow frustrated if she stopped telling you the things she likes about you and continues to shrink your sweaters in the dryer instead of letting you dry-clean them. Avoiding common pitfalls in relationships is easy if you're willing to work together in identifying them.

Contrast that to the reflection described further back, wherein a lifetime might have been lived without ever feeling happy. In order to believe in the fictitious narrative of magical love you become emotionally dishonesty and adopt the false belief that you can only love one person at a time. Your true love for one person extinguished nor diminished by completely separate feelings of true love for another person. Lighting a candle with a candle doesn't extinguish or diminish the original flame and for as long as a candle burns, it can be used to light other candles.

I don't mean to be dismissive, but the notion that your sex career is over since your cock done broke is laughable. You might be on the precipice of a sexual awakening you might have never experienced with your functioning penis. Sex may prove to be significantly more rewarding after you learn how to fuck without a cock. The focus will shift from your usual mount and hump tactics to actively paying attention to what your partner's body is indicating. When a woman grants you privileged access to her lady treasures you want to take your time and learn what you can do to make her more aroused. You'll learn the places to kiss that make her swoon, the places to brush light and watch her squirm, the place to press hard and yell "BARE DOWN LIKE YOU'RE TRYING TO PEE" and wonder with frustration why some women can squirt so easily while others struggle to even bring themselves to orgasm. All women are different and you will have to observe, listen, and learn what each likes individually. A great deal of women profess to either dislike penetrative sex or hardly enjoy it at all. A woman's g-spot, provided she enjoys g-spot fun, is unreachable by any penis that isn't shaped like a horseshoe. The clitoris is on the outside of the vagina rather than just inside where the penis could brush it. And don't forget about yourself. A man's g-spot is inside the anus. With breathing practices and g-spot stimulation you can give yourself 5-10 minute orgasms with very little practice.

Forget what you know. Challenge the false norms cultural institutions promote. Avoid judgement, promote acceptance. Obliterate and deny expectations. Practice mindfulness. Peace and love.

/r/Drugs Thread