Drama in /r/Circlebroke2 over whether /r/Drama is a bigoted subreddit

Okay, get off your cross Gay Jesus.

I's hysterical that to you, that's me being dramatic. But to me that's real life consequences that I can't eyeroll away.

It's almost as if the extent of Trump's trangressions mean that it disgusts me even if you're not a homophobe or sexist that you'd put what meager offerings he has otherwise before his repulsive ideas on other things.

It's almost as if I didn't hold it against Romney supporters that he was conservative because he wasn't so revolting about my rights and he actually had other qualities to vote for. If a person threw me under the bus for a fucking impractical wall...yeah they're still trash!

Could you imagine deep down in your dipshit heart that maybe the issue isn't that liberals can't accept people voting based on other issues in general, but that no other issue of this election was important enough to justify voting for someone so otherwise revolting?

Have fun being comfortably unaffected and unable to understand those who don't have that luxury.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Parent Link - reddit.com