Dreamers of Reddit, how is it going?

Haha, I wish I knew. Thanks for asking. :)

I thought I wanted to teach English, and I'm working my first year on the job and earning my teaching certification at the same time and... it's awful. Outside of actually teaching the lessons and working with the students, which is great, it requires so so much planning and prep, and I'm working so many extra hours and jumping through so many hoops. There's just so much to do, and all at once. All I hear from other people is "stick with it," and "it gets better" but I don't see how it can. I feel like I'm drowning in work every waking moment, even when everything's done. I'm not even working at a cruddy or 'hard' school. I'm just overwhelmed, all the time, and all I can think about is getting through the year and getting out somehow.

I guess I'd want to find a project-based job that would let me work towards a few clear goals at a time, preferably on my own or closely with a team. I'm just barely getting through each day at this point though... There's not enough time or opportunity to actually make anything happen.

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