Drivers license instructors: what happened on your worst test you've given?

Not an instructor, learning to drive, sat a test a few months ago, the whole experience was shit, first, he asked about tyre tread depth, I said 1.6mm is the minimum, this is correct. But nope my examiner was one of those assholes who had to respond with; "Are you sure??? Are you certain???" I said yes again, he repeats himself, I want to punch this guy.

Then we get to actual driving, the test care is parked in a makeshift parking area which is undergoing building work. There is one exit, it is now blocked by a digger. The examiner tells me to move forward, so I do and then stop as obviously the digger is in the way. The examiner keeps telling me to go forward, I put out the massive fuck off digger, he gets in a huff, the digger is in no rush, we're stuck but this is totally my fault apparently.

Eventually the digger shifts it, we're moving, everything is going ok, he wants to go onto the bypass so we do, it's chock full of traffic. Normally I would be doing around 60-70mph on the bypass (the limit is 70mph) but no chance today, nobody is moving faster 40mph, so I trundle along, leaving a safe distance between my car and the car in front and some other driver comes up behind me and decides to tailgate. I try to pick up speed but am restricted as don't want to tailgate the car in front, the car behind me continues to tailgate.

I get told after the test that I failed because I slowed down the tailgating prick behind me and wasn't driving fast enough on the bypass even though I couldn't physically drive any faster than 40mph without ending ploughing the car in front. If that wasn't enough the examiner purposely chose the most awkward place for me to parallel park, choosing a spot that was a driveway so there was no distinguishing road from pavement in an attempt to screw me over. Unfortunately for him I am bloody amazing at manouveres but it still didn't stop him failing me for the bypass...bye bye test fee!

/r/AskReddit Thread