Drugs and Unlocking Your Inner God: A Path, or A Distraction?

Drugs can most certainly, at an effectiveness rate of 100%, achieve an introduction to higher consciousness, almost instantaneously.

This isn't true by any means. And what do you mean by 'higher consciousness'?

But on the other hand... an equal or better result can be achieved through other practices (meditation). The effectiveness of these methods do not have the same initial potency and instantaneous reaction like drugs do.

Again not true. Maybe Kali will uncoil the serpent the first time you do pranayama. Maybe. Will you be prepared when your kundalini energy rises and 'opens' your third eye?

So far, we are only seeing your ignorance, you know.

It can also be argued that the effects one encounters when they practice have long term exponentially better benefits than a short term "dudee woaoohhh" experience offered through drugs.

Here's a word (remember language is a virus, and now your infected)

epiphany [ih-pif-uh-nee] noun, plural epiphanies.

  1. an appearance or manifestation, especially of a deity.
  2. a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.
  3. a literary work or section of a work presenting, usually symbolically, such a moment of revelation and insight.

You can have 'dude, woah' moments standing in line waiting to get checked out (I tend to feel my mortality in those moments). You as a person, are capable without drugs or a practice, of experiencing life in a deep and meaningful way.

There are quite a few combinations of either not doing drugs, doing drugs, and not mediating, and meditating.

No, the number of combinations available to you is mathematically determined by your options.

Which path is the best to take? Abstinence and higher practice, or the reverse? Or perhaps, an intelligent combination?

Read philosophy, poetry, novels. Listen to music, watch good movies and television. Eat well. Practice life and living, and decide what you want for yourself. If you want to moralize your behavior and lock yourself in some categorical realm of self-delusion, go for it, otherwise do what seems is good for you. In the end, only you can tell you are getting to where you want to go, no one else can do it for you.

/r/Psychonaut Thread