Q4all: is there such a thing as "not looking for a man"

I would turn down Brad Pitt. I would've also turned down him when he was young.

Some women aren't interested in a serious relationship but could still choose to have casual sex.

Not every person is going to be attracted to/interested in Brad Pitt.

You can absolutely not be interested in a serious relationship and focus on other things. I'm not looking for someone right now but if someone that I feel would be the exact person I would want to be in a relationship with suddenly somehow managed to come into my life then I would absolutely want something more with that person but I'm not actively looking for anything right now.

Are you trying to say that no woman would reject Brad Pitt?

Also, why do you need women and men to answer this question? Would you not be able to figure out the answer yourself if you for instance asked yourself these questions? Or come up with different scenarios/explanations?

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread