E.Wolves are currently playing a Fixed match against Infamous

Many South American 'Pro' Dota players are caught hacking weekly. Just recently Elite Wolves got caught match fixing. I have a friend that plays 7k ranked, and he says most South Americans hack or abuse things like pause-spectate.

The worst part is the fact I am on the ENGLISH server in my HOME COUNTRY USA, and almost every match is 4 South Americans. Learn something from LoL and charge money to change regions please. It's disgusting that after 10 years of Dota being out, the matchmaking system is worse than a 'DotaCash -APEM 5v5 Pros only'.

This is one thing league of legends seems to do a lot better, sadly. I played LoL for about 4 months (plat V only) and I noticed that 3/4 of my teammates spoke English in every game. I played 10 games of Dota in the past week. 9 of them were regular ranked games, 1 was low priority. In those 9 ranked games (only 4.5k-5.8k) the only English spoken is rage or insults or "report please" by South Americans. Take a lucky guess at which game had more English speakers and teamwork?

I believe Dota should cost $5-120 dollars. I would gladly pay up to $500 dollars to play in ranked que where people needed to pass a basic math and English test. This might sound extreme, but I actually love Dota and one of my least favorite things in the world happens to be hearing spam pings all game from South Americans and Russians.

I've spoken with all my Dota buddies about this, we all much agree.. we would easily pay over $100 to guarantee a region lock. Anything below 6k ranked is just a flurry of South Americans grinding 51% win rate carries all day. Naturally, Valve is all about making that money, and region locking probably wouldn't get them much money since South Americans don't spend. If the game even cost $1, most South Americans would be back on Wc3 or Garena.

/r/DotA2 Thread